Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Tourist Plunges 200 Metres at 150 km/h

We are currently sat in an internet cafe, uploading the pics of the first adrenaline rush of the day - a canyon swing above the Shotover river, Queenstown. In a word 'brilliant', very exciting but naturally terrifying given you effectively throw yourself off a 109m cliff face with a 60m freefall and having not tried bungy jumping or skydiving (like the experienced Mr Walker who spectated this act of madness from a nice viewing platform) I was quite unsure of what was in store. I decided to go for what I thought was the 'easy' option - being suspended over the canyon and then released by the swing team. They had other ideas.... So standing on the ledge I inched forwards expecting to feel a slight dip as they secured the cutaway ropes. Instead I inched forwards, looked down and sped off the side at 150km/h towards the bottom. Sound dramatic? It should be... enjoy the pic above (I am the one in the blue stripey jumper disappearing into the canyon floor). We also have a video which will hopefully be up later on today. You can then witness the terror first hand.
White water rafting this afternoon - which after the torrential downpours should be equally exciting (we are told the rivers are running high and fast!)


Dip in Japan said...

Bloody hell Nads!!! I'm getting all panic-y just thinking about it!

Oh and welcome to the Earthquake club! Thankfully there hasn't been any shakings around here this past few months...

The Drury Family said...

We were screaming with you Nadia, all the way down!!

Can't wait to hear how the white water rafting went. What about the jet boating?

Glad Queenstown is still living up to its reputation - it was brilliant for us and that was 13 years ago! x

Jonno said...

surely there's a joke here somewhere about needing Nads?